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Let’s Talk

As you can see, I’ve been a bit … um, let’s say delinquent in keeping this site up to date. That won’t last forever. Once I have a new book (or a new edition) to talk about, I’ll crank it back up. But in the meantime, let’s talk football. Find me on Twitter. We’ll have […]

Upcoming Events

You know how you’ve been dying to get your hands on a signed copy of the new, updated, expanded, extra awesome second edition of Tom Brady vs. the NFL? You’re in luck. Or at least you are if you’re within striking distance of one of my upcoming events. I’ve added three events over the last […]

The Second Edition of TBvNFL Is Here

You didn’t even know I was working on an updated, expanded second edition of Tom Brady vs. the NFL, did you? Of course not. Because I didn’t tell you. That’s partly because I have this thing where I don’t like to talk about a book until it’s done. And it’s partly because I’m sometimes not […]

Meet Me in Holyoke or Millbury … um, Louis

I know. That doesn’t even pretend to rhyme. Worse yet, there’s no fair. Just shopping centers. But they’re both very nice shopping centers, with awesome book stores that have invited me in to sign copies of my books just for you. And if you come out, I can tell you that I’ll happily dance the […]

Western Mass: Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Forget that headline. It’s just my cynical attempt to win over Kojak fans. I’m like that. Here’s the deal: I’ve got two great signing events coming up right here in my own back yard. Details, with times, links to directions, and all that, on my events page. The first happens Saturday, December 19 at Barnes […]

Home and Away

Two exciting events to tell you about, one in my home market and another teaming up (again) with my friend and fellow author Richard King. I’ll go chronologically. This is great news for those who were unable to come out to see Rich and me at Trident Booksellers & Cafe November 3. Rich and I […]

Trident Booksellers with Rich King

I can’t begin to express how excited I am about my upcoming dual event at Boston’s amazing Trident Booksellers & Cafe with my friend and fellow author Richard King. Tuesday, November 3, 7 p.m. I’ll be reading from The New England Patriots Playbook, talking about Patriots history. Rich will be reading from and talking about […]

Out There With Patriots Playbook

I’ve started making the rounds promoting The New England Patriots Playbook. I’ve got some events scheduled, starting with a speaking/signing thing at the BU Bookstore tomorrow evening. For details on that and other upcoming events, check out my events page. Or you could always like my author page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. […]

The New England Patriots Playbook Is Here

Well, it’s at my house anyhow. Could show up at your local bookstore any time. Even though the official release date is September 1, once stores have it, they can sell it. As I’ve noted before, The New England Patriots Playbook, updates Game Changers: The Greatest Plays In New England Patriots History with exciting new […]

Coming September 2015: The New England Patriots Playbook

OK, I know the book everyone really wants me to update is Tom Brady vs. the NFL. I’m totally with all of you. And I promise it’ll get done as soon as we can convince Triumph Books that it needs to be done. (They don’t need to hear about it from me, by the way. I […]