Upcoming Events

You know how you’ve been dying to get your hands on a signed copy of the new, updated, expanded, extra awesome second edition of Tom Brady vs. the NFL?

You’re in luck. Or at least you are if you’re within striking distance of one of my upcoming events.

I’ve added three events over the last week or so. You can get details, links for directions, and all of that stuff on the events page.

Here are the basics.

Saturday, October 8, Barnes & Noble in Burlington, Mass.

Saturday, November 19, Barnes & Noble, Bellingham, Mass.

Saturday, December 17, Barnes & Noble, Hingham, Mass.

I’m excited about all of these for a variety of reasons.

Burlington will be the first time I get out there with there with this new edition. I’m pretty proud of this book, so I’m looking forward to talking to readers about it. This event also comes on the eve of Brady’s return to the field following his ridiculous, wholly unwarranted Deflategate suspension. So, you know, you can come out, pick up the book on Saturday morning/afternoon, jaw with me a bit about Brady’s return (or whatever’s on your mind), then go home and read up about the GOAT in preparation for watching him take out his frustrations on the Cleveland Browns the next day.

Oh, by the way, speaking of that Cleveland game, even though it’s an away game for the Patriots, you should plan to be at Gillette Stadium on Sunday. This game is the occasion for the New England Patriots Alumni Club‘s annual Game With The Greats, which is really something you don’t want to miss if you’re a serious Pats fan. If you’ve been to Game With The Greats in the past, you’re almost certainly already planning to go. If you haven’t been, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Check this out (it’s so cool): The event, which takes place in the very nice Putnam Club East, starts two hours before kickoff — so 11 a.m. — which gives you plenty of time meet and get autographs from some of your favorite former Patriots players. I don’t want to list names, because I’m not sure who’ll be there (NEPAC typically posts some names on their Facebook page in the days before the event), but there are always a bunch of guys you’ll be amazed to have had a chance to meet. And, because someone always asks when I talk about this event, none of the alums charge for signatures at this event. Then you watch the game with these guys on the giant screen TVs in the club. And Pete Brock draws tickets for really great raffle prizes during the commercial breaks and at halftime. All proceeds from the event, by the way, support the NEPAC’s work with youth sports groups in New England. I never miss Game With The Greats. You shouldn’t either. (If you’re coming, bring a copy of one of my books, find me, and I’ll sign it for you. It’ll be the least thrilling thing that happens to you all day, but it will make me feel good. And isn’t that what life is really all about?)

Bellingham will mark a sort of homecoming for me. I grew up two towns over in Milford, and in high school had lots of friends from Bellingham. (Maybe I worked with you at the Big D. If not, maybe I bagged your groceries there. Or your family’s groceries. I hope I didn’t break the eggs. Or if I did — because I probably did — I hope sometime over the last 33 years or so, you’ve found it in your heart to forgive me.) This is as close to my hometown as I’ve ever got for an event open to the public, and probably as close as I’m likely to get, so I’m pretty psyched about it. Maybe I’ll see some familiar faces.

Hingham is a really, really cool event. You’ve got to get there if you’re a fan of the Patriots or the Bruins — or if you have Boston sports fans on your holiday gift list. In addition to me, you’ll have a chance to meet Erik Frenz, author of the brand new Bill Belichick vs. the NFL and Boston Globe NHL reporter Fluto Shinzawa, whose book The Big 50: Boston Bruins will be published in November. This should be a lot of fun. I know I’ve been excited about Erik’s book for some time (and, no, not just because I’m the creator of Triumph Books‘ person vs. sport/league book series concept — it’s mostly because Erik’s a fine writer and his book focuses on one of my favorite subjects). And Fluto’s a hell of a reporter and writer, so you know his book is going to be a great read.

Keep in mind, a signed book makes a great holiday gift.

Plan to come out. Familiar face or new friend, it’ll be great to see you.



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