
Just exactly who does this joker think he is?

Sean Glennon lives in Florence, Massachusetts. He is the author of four books and a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in such journals as The Boston Globe, the Boston Phoenix, the Hartford Courant, the Journal News, the Valley Advocate, Salon and Details. In addition to sports, Sean has written about books, sequential art, television and pop culture.

Sean is a member of the Professional Football Researchers Association. His approach to football history is based in storytelling. His aim, always, is not simply to inform but to engage. He uses narrative to bring football history to life. Sean is also a member of the Gridiron Club of Greater Boston.

Sean grew up in Milford, Massachusetts, where the granite is very pretty indeed and where many people once stopped for gas on the way to Foxborough (or Cape Cod) only to discover there are no self-service stations. Not anywhere. In the whole town. He’s been a resident of the gorgeous Pioneer Valley since 1995. He loves many things about Western Massachusetts, including the mountains, the colleges, the arts and music scene in the Upper Valley, and, of course, the easy access to self-service gasoline.

Sean used to believe that the world would be a better place if everyone listened to records by Lambchop, Calexico, the Rosebuds and the Thermals but he now questions that mode of thinking based on the fact that everyone started listening to Spoon a couple years back and the world went right ahead and failed to get even slightly more pleasant (aside from the fact that you can occasionally hear a Spoon song on the radio and it sort of seems like it would be cheating to count that). He believes the Rolling Stones are the greatest rock band of all time, but thinks the Pixies are actually better.

For some reason no one can quite fathom, Sean insists on referring to denim pants as dungarees.

Sean is not afraid of you. He’s not even afraid of anything. Except polar bears. And maybe a few other things that he’d rather not think about right now because he’d like to get a little bit of sleep for a change. If that’s quite all right with you.

The esteemed Mr. Glennon (the Sean, Sean, Sean thing was getting old, don’t you think?) is very much enamored of single-malt Scotch. Especially Lagavulin and Laphroaig. If you see him at a bar and buy him Scotch, he still won’t be your friend (unless he was already), but you’ll be off to a very nice start. Seems like that’s got to be worth something.

It’s a serious mistake to engage Sean in a conversation about anything related to professional football — unless you really, really want to talk football for, like, a long time. Don’t let him suck you in, either. If you give him half an opportunity he’ll try.

One Response to “About”

  1. […] Sean Glennon has made the concise, swift, and bold argument that Tom Brady of the New England Patriots is the […]

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