
Sean Glennon is an entertaining and engaging speaker who knows Patriots history, knows Patriots fans and knows how to tell a story.

Book Sean to make your next company or client event more memorable.
If you’re based in New England, your clients and prospects are Patriots fans. Bring Sean in to talk football and team history one-on-one with your guests while you talk Pats and discuss business in a casual setting. Contact Sean to discuss speaking rates and availability.

Host a reading or singing
Sean is available for signings, readings and other events in your store or library. To arrange an event, contact Sean directly.

Invite Sean to your home or tailgate
There’s nothing Sean enjoys more than spending time with Pats fans (hell, he wrote a whole book about it.) Got a great Patriots tailgate going? Lots of fans at your house on game days? Invite a bona fide team historian to hang with you and your group. Get in touch and let’s talk about it.

Bring Sean to your sports bar
Need a co-host for your sports trivia night? Looking to create a unique event to spark business on a traditionally slow night at your sports bar? Contact Sean and we’ll set it up.

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