Brady vs. Montana, 23 Postseason Starts Edition

I’ve been getting a lot of traffic from search strings to do with Tom Brady vs. Joe Montana (folks looking for side-by-side stats, mostly). I have to imagine that’s related to the fact that Brady on Sunday won his 17th career postseason game, breaking what had been a tie with Montana for the NFL record. The win over Houston also advanced Brady to his seventh career conference championship, which ties Montana for most all time. (Brady goes into the game against Baltimore with a 5-1 record in conference championships. Montana ended his career with a conference championship record of 4-3. And Montana, of course, still holds the edge in Super Bowl wins.)

So while I was planning to wait until after the Patriots wrapped up their postseason run to rework all of the various charts from Tom Brady vs. the NFL: The Case for Football’s Greatest Quarterback, I figured I’d go ahead and do an interim chart now. Sort of makes sense in a way. I did a chart update when Brady pulled even with Montana in regular season starts; might as well do one now that they’ve had an equal number of postseason starts, too, right? So here you go. (Oh, also, come to Barnes & Noble in Framingham Saturday between  11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and say hell0.)


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